Top of the range equipment
For a comprehensive range of welding supplies in Norfolk and Suffolk, contact Ian Baird Welding Repairs Ltd 01692 404 553

Economical welding supplies throughout Norfolk and Suffolk
For your convenience Ian Baird Welding Repairs Ltd carries a very wide range of welding products, representing the most popular lines from some of the world’s top manufacturers. We supply welding equipment, gas bottles and safety products throughout East Anglia. Many local firms have discovered the economy of using us as their supplier.
Call our team today, and we will give you top quality advice and explain the best product for your needs.

You enquires are welcome at IBWeld
Whether you are looking for the latest industrial 3-phase welders to all the consumables you’ll ever need, Ian Baird Welding Repairs Ltd can meet the requirements of the most fastidious welder.
With our long experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry, we welcome your enquiries as well as valuing your business. We are a Lorch welding distributor, and have access to the latest in software driven equipment. As Lorch releases it’s newest technology we will bring you access to their innovations. This includes the MicorMIG series of inventors. Visit the Lorch website for more information and videos of the newest products.

The leading brands at IBWeld
Our brand ranges include Lorch, the leading German manufacturer of MIG-MAG, MIG-brazing, TIG and plasma cutting equipment. With their leading edge 3-phase welders, Lorch offer industry-leading technology which ensures a consistently high quality continuous welding bead for a strong and immaculate finish.
We also supply equipment, safety gear and consumables from such companies as Parweld, Abracs, SIF, Bosch and Weldspares. Contact us today if you would like to know more about our range of products..
We also offer a variety of short term hire and longer term leasing arrangements for those who require superb equipment but don’t wish to invest in high capital equipment purchase.
Office: 01692 404 553
Mobile: 07885 891 292
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